The essence of what I can assist you with is: • Looking at what’s working and not working in your life • Learning how to be loving and compassionate towards yourself • Working through challenges with family relationships • Living with more freedom, joy and purpose on a daily basis. Every moment in every day IS your life, which means that you can turn it around in ANY GIVEN MOMENT. Isn’t that a blessing!? And a relief! Life has become such a chore for so many of us. We don’t know how to slow down, relax and enjoy the moment. We stopped listening to the inner voice so long ago that we can’t even hear it anymore. Many of us don’t even know what it is we really want, let alone how to manifest it. Can you relate to this? How has the challenge of the last few years impacted you and what you really want out of life? Do you crave more meaning than ever before? What is stopping you from doing things differently? Now here’s the difficult truth, there are no instant fixes. Un-learning is a process that takes time just like learning. But it starts the moment you decide it's time to un-learn something. Do you need to un-learn: Stress, Anxiety, Rushing, Addiction, Consumerism, Negativity, Fear, Frustration, Hopelessness, People-pleasing, Caring too much about what other people think of you? Do you need to learn what it feels like to be: Creative • Connected to others and life • In tune with your body • Relaxed • Free • Inspired • Content • Proud of who you are • Grateful • Engaged • Safe • Loving? These are the things I can help you with. If you're inspired to work together, please contact me to book in a session and we can get started straight away.
What can you expect from a session?
A brief getting to know each other, then we can talk about your intention and your desired outcome from the session. We will then use tools like Emotional Freedom Technique, Osho active meditations for somatic emotional release,, hypnotherapy and family constellations to work on your desired outcome. Sessions are $120 per hour session. You will also walk away with hands-on tools and exercises you can use in your day-to-day life and a recording of the hypnotherapy session for reinforcement.

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